Highlands School Sevilla

Highlands School Sevilla

Uniforms Minime is official supplier of school uniforms Highlands School of the Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ.
All items of school uniform Highlands School College are made in Spain in specially selected for each type of product under a comprehensive quality control workshops.
School uniforms can be purchased on-line service delivery between 24 and 48 hours ( under normal conditions) . Free delivery from an order of 50 € . In case of return or mistake in size , the port is also free. See conditions of purchase footer.
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Mínime Store in Highlands School Sevilla
Uniformes Mínime has a fisical shop in Highlands School Sevilla.
T. 676 633 866  highlandssevilla@uniformesminime.com

Uniformes Mínime offers 2 shipping options for your online order:
- Home delivery. Free shipping for an order up to €60. For lower amounts the delivery cost is €5.90. In case of return or size change, the delivery cost is free.
- Collect the order at Mínime store (no delivery cost whatever the order amount). We will send a SMS when the order will be ready.

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Polo M/CS/S PoloPolo M/LL/S PoloJersey C/PicoV-neck Pullover
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